Schwerpunkte unseres Angebotes sind Biographien/Memoiren/Tagebücher

Schwerpunkte unseres Angebotes sind alte Kinder- und Jugendbücher, Märchen, Sagen, Volkskunde

Metslang, Insights into the Baltic and Finnic languages.

Metslang, Insights into the Baltic and Finnic languages.

Metslang, Helle / Norvik, Miina / Kalnaca, Andra (Hrsg.); Insights into the Baltic and Finnic languages. Contacts, comparisons, and change. Mit Diagrammen u. Karten, Berlin 2022. 323 S., Ppbd., neuwertig! (Potsdam Linguistic Investigations, Volume 36)

– This book includes twelve articles that present new research on the Finnic and Baltic languages spoken in the southern and eastern part of the Circum-Baltic area. It aims to elaborate on the various contact situations and (dis)similarities between the languages of the area. Taking an areal, comparative, or sociolinguistic perspective, the articles offer new insights into the grammatical, semantic, pragmatic, and textual patterns of different types of predicates or nouns or consider the variation of grammatical categories from a typological perspective. The qualitative analyses find support in quantitative data collected from language corpora or written sources, including those representing the less studied varieties of the area.

EUR 75,60

Händler GUS-Staaten alte Bücher Norddeutschland Schweiz Robert von Hirschheydt

Schwerpunkte unseres Angebotes sind alte Reisebeschreibungen, fremde Länder, Abenteuerliteratur, Alpinistik, Seefahrt