Schwerpunkte unseres Angebotes sind das Baltikum und Bücher baltischer Verfasser (auch Bücher in estnischer und lettischer Sprache)

Schwerpunkte unseres Angebotes sind Biographien/Memoiren/Tagebücher

Saks, AESTII, an analysis of an ancient European civilization. Studies in the ur…

Saks, AESTII, an analysis of an ancient European civilization. Studies in the ur

Saks, Edgar V.; AESTII, an analysis of an ancient European civilization. Studies in the ur-European history. Part I. Montreal/Heidelberg 1960, 300 S. Text und 6 Karten im Anhang in einer Kartentasche, brosch., komplett in englischer Sprache! Guter Zustand!

– Der Band gliedert sich in folgende Kapitel: I. Finno-Ugrians in the Mesolithic period. II. Finno-Ugric nations during the Bronze Age 1500-500 B.C.. III. Ancient amber trade and the Aestii-Roman relations. IV. Finno-Ugrians in the Greek and Byzantine world. V. Estonia during the Great Nations Migration and in the Dark Middle Ages. VI. The ancient domain of Nogardia. VII. Western historical records about the Estonian Domain in the 9th century. VIII. The Northern Estonian „Kogela civilization“ of the 1st millennium B. C.. IX. The original settlement of the Lower Vistula area. X. The basic settlement of Memel-land. XI. The origin of the settlement in Curonia. XII. The origin of the settlement in Finland. XIII. Estonia in the 10th and the 11th centuries A. D..

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