Unser Betrieb, Antiquariat und Verlag, bietet neben den eigenen Verlagstiteln antiquarische Bücher aus fast allen Gebieten an.

Schwerpunkte unseres Angebotes sind Biographien/Memoiren/Tagebücher

Betáková, Lexicon of Baltic Mythology.

Betáková, Lexicon of Baltic Mythology.

Betáková, Marta/Blazek, Václav; Lexicon of Baltic Mythology. Translation from czech language from Hana Betáková, Marta Eva Betáková and Václav Blazek, Heidelberg 2021, 290 S., Ppbd., neu/new! (Empirie und Theorie der Sprachwissenschaft, Band 7)

– This volume is an alphabetically arranged lexicon of mythological terms of Baltic mythology. The terms are analyzed in their historical and ethnological context and in perspective of their etymology. They were preserved in numerous chronicles, usually written in non-Baltic languages, namely Latin, German, Old Russian and Old Polish. Their second important source is hidden in Lithuanian and especially Latvian folk songs called DAINAS. Portions of both primary texts and folklore are included within the individual entries. The recently formulated interpretations of Lithuanian and Latvian mythologists are also taken in account, to confront them with older opinions and with the results of etymological analysis.

EUR 48,-- 

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Schwerpunkte unseres Angebotes sind das Baltikum und Bücher baltischer Verfasser (auch Bücher in estnischer und lettischer Sprache)