Schwerpunkte unseres Angebotes sind alte Reisebeschreibungen, fremde Länder, Abenteuerliteratur, Alpinistik, Seefahrt

Schwerpunkte unseres Angebotes sind Biographien/Memoiren/Tagebücher

Laima, Skylarks and Rebels.

Laima, Skylarks and Rebels.

Laima, Rita; Skylarks and Rebels. A Memoir about the Soviet Russian Occupation of Latvia, Life in a Totalitarian State, and Freedom. Stuttgart 2017, 535 S., Ppbd., neuwertig! In englischer Sprache!

– Skylarks and Rebels is a story about Latvia’s fate in the 20th century as told by Rita Laima, a Latvian American, who chose to leave behind the comforts of life in America to explore the land of her ancestors, Latvia, which in the 1980s languished behind the Coviet Iron Curtain. In writing about her own experiences in a totalitarian state, Soviet-occupied Latvia, Laima delves into her family’s past to understand what happened to her fatherland and its people during and after World War II. She also pays tribute to some of Latvia’s remarkable people of the integrity who risked their lives to oppose the mindless ideology of the brutal and destructive Soviet state. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Contains: Prologue: A Country the Size of West Virginia. – – – – – PART ONE: New Jersey Latvian American Girl and Trimda (Exile). – – – – – PART TWO: Latvia as a Battlefield – World War II. – – – – – PART THREE: Return to Terra Incognita. – – – – – PART FOUR: The 1980s. – – – – – PART FIVE: The Thaw. – – – – – PART SIX: The 1990s; Freedom; Farewell.

EUR 49,90

Ornithologie Märchen Buchantiquariat Bibliothek ZVAB Abenteuerliteratur

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