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Mertelsmann, Everyday Life in Stalinist Estonia.

Mertelsmann, Everyday Life in Stalinist Estonia.

Mertelsmann, Olaf; Everyday Life in Stalinist Estonia. Frankfurt 2012, 163 S., Ppbd., neuwertig! (Tartu Historical Studies 2)

– In Estonia, as in other Eastern European countries, the Stalinist era remains in the center of attention of historians. Politics, repression and resistance dominate the historiography, while everyday life is definitely under-represented. This book attempts to close the gap and focuses on different aspects of everyday life in Stalinist Estonia. – Olaf Mertelsmann is Associate Professor in Contemporary History at the University of Tartu (Estonia). He holds a doctorate from the University of Hamburg and has taught in Hamburg, Novosibirsk and Tartu.

EUR 50,70

Buechershop Harro von Hirschheydt Antiquariat und Verlag Harro von Hirschheydt lettische Sprache Grafiken Landwirtschaft

Schwerpunkte unseres Angebotes sind das Baltikum und Bücher baltischer Verfasser (auch Bücher in estnischer und lettischer Sprache)